My Europa Classic has now done over 600hrs on its 912UL engine.
I've become a little concerned of late with the lower oil pressure
reading reported on my Flydat.
---From historic readings in the 3-4 bar arena, I now achieve just 2.4 -
2.8 bar at cruise RPM.
Formerly, I've used Silkolene Pro 4, fully synthetic oil, but have
recently changed to the semi-synthetic recommended by Skydrive, on
account of my occasional Avgas usage.
I've recently installed the pressure release valve mod (a small 'shim'
disc) and this has raised pressure from 1.5 bar at lowest RPM on landing
(rare), into the same 2 bar + range. It hasn't affected the higher RPM
Do other "high hour" 912 users have similar figures, or are they higher
Any suggestions as to the reason for the pressure drop ?
Alan. D. Stewart
14 Goddard Way phone : +44 1245
Chelmer Village mobile : +44
7801 287886
Chelmsford, Essex CM2 6UR email :
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