Hi Alan,
That does seem low. My engine is a 912UL and has done 580 flying hours and
I still get 4 bar at 2000 rpm when hot. Unless you have run a bearing it is
probably a weak pressure relief valve, or faulty pressure sender. Because
the senders are known to give trouble and are subject to vibration, I have
mounted mine on top of the footwell and have fitted a low pressure warning
light as a backup. I use Shell Advance VSX4. I hope it
is nothing more serious than that.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Stewart" <alan.stewart@blueyonder.co.uk>
Subject: Europa-List: Europa 912 : Lowish in-flight oil pressure
> My Europa Classic has now done over 600hrs on its 912UL engine.
> I've become a little concerned of late with the lower oil pressure
> reading reported on my Flydat.
> From historic readings in the 3-4 bar arena, I now achieve just 2.4 -
> 2.8 bar at cruise RPM.
> Formerly, I've used Silkolene Pro 4, fully synthetic oil, but have
> recently changed to the semi-synthetic recommended by Skydrive, on
> account of my occasional Avgas usage.
> I've recently installed the pressure release valve mod (a small 'shim'
> disc) and this has raised pressure from 1.5 bar at lowest RPM on landing
> (rare), into the same 2 bar + range. It hasn't affected the higher RPM
> pressures.
> Do other "high hour" 912 users have similar figures, or are they higher
> ?
> Any suggestions as to the reason for the pressure drop ?
> Alan
> Alan. D. Stewart
> -----------------------------------
> 14 Goddard Way phone : +44 1245
> 264186
> Chelmer Village mobile : +44
> 7801 287886
> Chelmsford, Essex CM2 6UR email :
> alan.stewart@blueyonder.co.uk
> -----------------------------------
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