Thanks Brian,
I have seen the article in Tech Talk 25 but I find that I would have to
remove over 1 inch of sternpost to reach the foam reinforced part of the fin
on the port side. Some will need removing to allow port rudder movement but
I thought this may be a little excessive and putting material back would be
an extra problem. I would love to just forge ahead following the manual but
I have already been caught out too many times and I now spend far too much
time thinking 'what if' before I act so I can hopefully avoid having to redo
or correct things later. I am waiting to hear from Nev and Andy re the above
and will let the forum know the result.
Mike Gamble
> > Having initially set up my sternpost to align with the fuselage bottom,
> find that the fin needs about 1.5 ins of its trailing edge removed and
> the sternpost would butt against 1.5ins of foam reinforced port fin
> whilst the stb side is clear of the foam.. On trial fitting the ribs I
> that they could be forced in to the fin only about 5, 15 and 23ins from
> joint line, i.e. 2ins less that indicated in the manual. My problem is
> this - is the position of the sternpost fore and aft critical? If I accept
> this position, will I find that the rudder is misplaced or the line of the
> fin/rudder uneven?
> > I am still doing all I can before topping out.
> > Those that have passed this stage, please let me know how you faired.
> > Thanks
> > Mike
> > XS440
> >
> >