I had the same problem on my port wing. The close-out was warped down
on the port wing only.
I shimmed the close-out with stir sticks between it and the aileron and
(carefully) applyed heat from a heat gun (paint stripper, on low). The
close-out became straight and I bonded on the lid with free movement on
both ailerons.,
Hope this helps.
Don Pettey
On Saturday, May 1, 2004, at 09:21 AM, Kevin Klinefelter wrote:
> I remember being told by Neville to use a spacer (card stock) on the
> aileron
> as well when the top skin goes on. My aileron closeout flanges rubbed
> in the
> middle area of the ailerons a lot, but using a spacer when the top
> skin went
> on lined thing up much better. I would definitely call the factory for
> the
> Beta on the whole process and ask questions.
> Kevin, A211
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
> [mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com]On Behalf Of
> EuropaXSA276@aol.com
> To: europa-list@matronics.com
> Subject: Europa-List: XSAileron clearance upper close out flange
> <XS Wing>
> I recently installed my aileron on the port side wing. There was no
> clearance
> between the top of the aileron and the top close out flange. In fact I
> had
> to
> trim about 1/4 inch in order for the required minimum upper travel.
> The
> aileron still rubs significantly on the upper flange even after the
> trim.
> My
> concerns in that too much trimming of the upper flange will not allow
> a
> proper
> bond of the wing close out when it becomes time to do so.
> Right now after the 1/4 trim I am left with a flange about 20mm < 3/4
> inch>
> wide.
> I'm assuming that friction is not acceptable on the aileron at this
> stage of
> build. Wrong?
> < I noted the mixing stick spacers used for top close out on the
> flaps to
> help this situation. But mention of only box tape for the ailerons
> which is
> not
> near enough thickness for this situation.>
> If you have read this far. Thank you. Here are my questions.
> 1. Is any aileron rubbing on the top flange acceptable at this stage of
> build? Perhaps there is something that I have missed later on in the
> manual
> to fix
> this?
> 2. If not. Can anyone give me an idea about how much trimming was
> needed on
> their XS wing?
> 3. Or What was the width of the upper flange after trimming and did it
> effect
> the bond of the wing top?
> As always thanks for the help, and the most valued opinions.
> Brian S
> A276 Tri Gear. Texas
> http://forum.okhuijsen.org/
> modules.php?set_albumName=BrianS&op=modload&namega
> llery&file=index&include=view_album.php
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