europa-list (date)
May 31, 2004
- Re: Europa-List: Gel Coat, DuaneFamly, 23:47
- Europa-List: Cleaning windows, Jac van Heeswijk, 21:26
- Re: Europa-List: Benwick FM 1053 Fuel Flow Computer, Duncan McFadyean, 20:43
- Re: NACA vent placement (was RE: Europa-List: Gel Coat), Rocketman, 20:24
- Re: Europa-List: Benwick FM 1053 Fuel Flow Computer, Carl & Dot, 19:50
- Europa-List: [ Matt Dralle ] : New Email List Photo Share Available!, Email List Photo Shares, 19:25
- Re: Europa-List: Benwick FM 1053 Fuel Flow Computer, nigel charles, 18:02
- Re: Europa-List: Gel Coat, Rocketman, 17:40
- Europa-List: First few hours N378PJ, Paul McAllister, 17:08
- NACA vent placement (was RE: Europa-List: Gel Coat), David DeFord, 16:24
- RE: Europa-List: First few hours N378PJ, Paul Boulet, 16:02
- Re: Europa-List: First few hours N378PJ, n914rb, 16:02
- RE: Europa-List: First few hours N378PJ, Kevin Klinefelter, 15:41
- RE: Europa-List: Cleaning windows, beecho, 13:03
- Europa-List: free workbench, Paul Boulet, 11:05
- Re: Europa-List: Gel Coat, TELEDYNMCS, 10:06
- Re: Europa-List: Gel Coat, Gerry Holland, 07:50
- Re: Europa-List: Benwick FM 1053 Fuel Flow Computer, William Mills, 05:59
- Re: Europa-List: Hat Droppers - Bank Holiday Monday 31st May - Wolverhampton, William Mills, 05:28
- Europa-List: Gel Coat, SteveD, 02:21
- Europa-List: Gel Coat, SteveD, 02:19
- Europa-List: test - ignore, Andrew Sarangan, 00:27
May 30, 2004
- Europa-List: Gel Coat, DuaneFamly, 19:13
- Re: Europa-List: Benwick FM 1053 Fuel Flow Computer, nigel charles, 17:52
- Re: Europa-List: Re: Shell Advance VSX4, Cliff Shaw, 16:09
- Re: Europa-List: ASI Calibration, Rowland Carson, 15:57
- Re: Europa-List: Trimming the XS canoe, rlborger, 13:52
- Europa-List: Re: Shell Advance VSX4, rlborger, 13:07
- Re: Europa-List: Benwick FM 1053 Fuel Flow Computer, Duncan McFadyean, 09:41
- RE: Europa-List: Benwick FM 1053 Fuel Flow Computer, Pete Lawless, 09:29
- Re: Europa-List: Hat Droppers - Bank Holiday Monday 31st May - Wolverhampton, bryan allsop, 08:37
- Europa-List: Hat Droppers - Bank Holiday Monday 31st May - Wolverhampton, William Mills, 08:27
- Europa-List: Benwick FM 1053 Fuel Flow Computer, William Mills, 07:07
May 29, 2004
- Europa-List: Updated Mail List Archive, Andrew Sarangan, 22:57
- Europa-List: ASI Calibration, Paul McAllister, 22:45
- Re: Europa-List: Trimming the XS canoe, Ladyrat01, 16:53
- Re: Europa-List: Trimming the XS canoe, Ladyrat01, 16:47
- Europa-List: Trimming the XS canoe, EuropaXSA276, 14:18
- Europa-List: Shell Advance VSX4, Paul McAllister, 12:56
- RE: Europa-List: Trimming the XS canoe, Kevin Klinefelter, 12:42
- RE: Europa-List: Shell Advance VSX4, Kevin Klinefelter, 12:22
- Europa-List: Website Update, SteveD, 01:03
May 28, 2004
- Re: Europa-List: Speed fairings - XS Mono, Duncan McFadyean, 20:27
- Europa-List: Website Update, Steve & Eileen Genotte, 17:46
- Re: Europa-List: Trailer info, Rocketman, 14:09
- Re: Europa-List: Europa Trailer Ball Hitch Size, DuaneFamly, 13:14
- RE: Europa-List: Speed fairings - XS Mono, Andy Draper, 12:50
- Europa-List: Re Europa speed fairings- trigear, mike toft, 12:15
- RE: Europa-List: Europa Trailer Ball Hitch Size, Europa Aircraft, 11:42
- Europa-List: Trailer info, Rick Heis, 10:53
- RE: Europa-List: Speed fairings - XS Mono, Barahona Alonso Francisco Javier, 10:53
- Re: Europa-List: Speed fairings - XS Mono, Roger Mills, 09:23
- RE: Europa-List: Europa Trailer Ball Hitch Size, Neville Eyre, 08:48
- RE: Europa-List: Speed fairings - XS Mono, Alan Stewart, 06:16
May 27, 2004
- Europa-List: Europa Trailer Ball Hitch Size, rlborger, 20:22
- Re: Europa-List: Speed fairings - XS Mono, Jim Brown, 19:36
- RE: Europa-List: Speed fairings - XS Mono, Alan Stewart, 18:17
- Re: Europa-List: Speed fairings - XS Mono, Cliff Shaw, 18:04
- Europa-List: PFA Rally, Graham Singleton, 10:35
- RE: Europa-List: Speed fairings - XS Mono, Neville Eyre, 08:48
May 26, 2004
- Europa-List: Speed fairings - XS Mono, Paul McAllister, 23:01
- Europa-List: Remove me, The Reiman Corporation, 22:12
- Re: Europa-List: Stab travel range, n914rb, 21:38
- Re: Europa-List: Weekday Fly-ins. Why no Northerners?, hedley brown, 19:14
- Europa-List: Contact details for NSI - as of 26th May 2004, Pete Lawless, 19:07
- Re: Europa-List: Stab travel range, Rocketman, 18:40
- Europa-List: Re: Europa List; PFA Rally, G-IANI, 09:30
- Europa-List: Facet pumps info, Fergus Kyle, 09:28
- Re: Europa-List: Weekday Fly-ins. Why no Northerners?, David Barraclough, 09:25
- Europa-List: Re: Europa List; PFA Rally, Fergus Kyle, 09:19
- Re: Europa-List: Weekday Fly-ins. Why no Northerners?, bryan allsop, 08:39
- Re: Europa-List: Weekday Fly-ins. Why no Northerners?, bryan allsop, 08:38
- Re: Europa-List: aluminum, Rowland Carson, 07:40
- Re: Europa-List: Six Nations - 14th to 22nd August, William Mills, 06:43
May 25, 2004
- Re: Europa-List: Six Nations - 14th to 22nd August, Mike Parkin, 21:39
- Re: Europa-List: Electric fuel pump, Duncan McFadyean, 21:00
- Europa-List: aluminum, Dave & Darlene, 19:06
- Re: Europa-List: Six Nations - 14th to 22nd August, R . C . Harrison, 18:50
- Re: Europa-List: Spare seat, French trip, R . C . Harrison, 18:43
- ADDRESS CHANGE and Re: Europa-List: Weekday Fly-ins. Why no Northerners?, R . C . Harrison, 18:41
- Europa-List: Six Nations - 14th to 22nd August, William Mills, 16:37
- Re: Europa-List: 1st Annual Southeast Europa Fly In, Garry Stout, 13:57
- Europa-List: 1st Annual Southeast Europa Fly In, Doug Lawton, 13:37
- RE: Europa-List: Oops, never mind..., Kingsley Hurst, 11:58
- RE: Europa-List: Stab travel range, Kingsley Hurst, 11:56
- Re: Europa-List: Oops, never mind..., Dan Bish, 08:35
- Re: Europa-List: NSI props, nigel charles, 07:38
- Re: Europa-List: Electric fuel pump, nigel charles, 07:25
- Re: Europa-List: NSI props, Jim Brown, 07:21
- Re: Europa-List: WED HAT DROPPING-SHEFFIELD, nigel charles, 07:20
- Re: Europa-List: TWO STAGE HATTERS FLY-IN. WEDNESDAY, nigel charles, 06:59
- Re: Europa-List: WED HAT DROPPING-SHEFFIELD, William Mills, 06:57
- Re: Europa-List: Tail Ribs, Al Stills, 06:45
- Re: Europa-List: Tail Ribs, Al Stills, 06:42
- Europa-List: Spare seat, French trip, bryan allsop, 04:18
- Europa-List: Weekday Fly-ins. Why no Northerners?, bryan allsop, 04:04
May 24, 2004
- Europa-List: Oops, never mind..., steved, 23:48
- Europa-List: First flight N378PJ, Erich Trombley, 22:02
- Re: Europa-List: WED HAT DROPPING-SHEFFIELD, bryan allsop, 21:28
- Re: Europa-List: First flight N378PJ, Rowland Carson, 20:39
- Europa-List: NSI props, Erich Trombley, 20:22
- Europa-List: Electric fuel pump, Fergus Kyle, 19:58
- Re: Europa-List: Tail Ribs, Cliff Shaw, 19:21
- Re: Europa-List: Stab travel range, Steve Hagar, 18:36
- RE: Europa-List: Tail Ribs, Steve Hagar, 18:26
- Europa-List: Oops, never mind..., Dan Bish, 12:25
- RE: Europa-List: First flight N378PJ, Kingsley Hurst, 12:20
- Europa-List: First flight N378PJ, Graham Singleton, 10:27
- Re: Europa-List: Stab travel range, Dan Bish, 09:39
- Europa-List: Europa Fly-In, Tennessee Style, TELEDYNMCS, 09:19
- Re: Europa-List: First flight N378PJ, Gerry Holland, 08:06
- Europa-List: First flight N378PJ, Dan Bish, 07:51
- Re: Europa-List: First flight N378PJ, Michael Grass, 07:12
- Re: Europa-List: Drop of the Hat Sun 23rd, William Mills, 07:01
- Re: Europa-List: First flight N378PJ, rlborger, 06:57
- Re: Europa-List: TWO STAGE HATTERS FLY-IN. WEDNESDAY, William Mills, 06:55
- Europa-List: WED HAT DROPPING-SHEFFIELD, bryan allsop, 01:51
- Europa-List: DigiTrak autopilot, JohnDHeykoop, 01:51
- Europa-List: Re: Europa-List Digest: 18 Msgs - 05/22/04, Graham Singleton, 01:30
May 23, 2004
- Re: Europa-List: Navaid Autopilot woes., Roger Anderson, 19:55
- Europa-List: First flight N378PJ, Paul McAllister, 19:25
- Europa-List: Tail Ribs, Alan Stills, 18:49
- Re: Europa-List: First flight N378PJ, Alan Stills, 18:19
- Europa-List: Radio issues, Alan Stewart, 11:12
- Europa-List: Navaid Autopilot woes., Alan Stewart, 10:07
- Europa-List: TWO STAGE HATTERS FLY-IN. WEDNESDAY, bryan allsop, 08:12
- Re: Europa-List: Autopilot, Duncan McFadyean, 07:21
- Re: Europa-List: First Flight G-IANI, rlborger, 07:03
May 22, 2004
- Re: Europa-List: Drop of the Hat Sun 23rd, R . C . Harrison, 22:39
- Re: Europa-List: europa club subscriptions running out, hedley brown, 21:48
- Europa-List: Drop of the Hat Sun 23rd, P . A . D . Clarke, 20:56
- Re: Europa-List: Autopilot, Duncan McFadyean, 20:04
- Re: Europa-List: FW: First Flight G-IANI, Brian Davies, 19:11
- Re: Europa-List: Autopilot, JohnDHeykoop, 18:14
- Europa-List: Discovery Wings Series, James Puglise, 15:22
- Europa-List: Tenn Fly In, James Puglise, 15:11
- Europa-List: Out of the Boat, Alan Stills, 13:37
- Europa-List: Firts Flight G-IANI, KARL HEINDL, 12:52
- Re: Europa-List: Autopilot, Alan R Haynes, 10:52
- Europa-List: Fuel systerm tidbits - continued, John & Paddy Wigney, 10:27
- Re: Europa-List: Autopilot, JohnDHeykoop, 09:55
- Europa-List: FW: First Flight G-IANI, G-IANI, 08:16
May 21, 2004
- Re: Europa-List: Top On, Paul McAllister, 22:07
- Europa-List: Autopilot, Karel Vranken, 21:58
- Re: Europa-List: Autopilot, Duncan McFadyean, 21:46
- Re: Europa-List: Autopilot, Gerry Holland, 21:29
- Re: Europa-List: First time user, Paul McAllister, 17:35
- Re: Europa-List: Top On, Paul McAllister, 17:28
- Re: Europa-List: Top On, Alan Stills, 15:52
- Re: Europa-List: Top On, Alan Stills, 15:48
- Europa-List: First time user, Carpenter Matt, 14:11
- Europa-List: Top On, DvdPar, 13:34
- Re: Europa-List: Re: Europa-List Digest: 7 Msgs - 05/19/04, Paul McAllister, 12:21
- Europa-List: Re: Europa-List Digest: 7 Msgs - 05/19/04, irampil, 12:01
- Europa-List: europa club subscriptions running out, Rowland Carson, 11:50
- Europa-List: Re: Throttle Cable, Troy Maynor, 10:05
- Re: Europa-List: Re: Europa-List Digest: 7 Msgs - 05/19/04, Cliff Shaw, 09:25
- Re: Europa-List: Top Going On, Al Stills, 08:43
- Re: Europa-List: Fuel system Tidbits, Jerry Rehn, 08:11
- Europa-List: Top Going On, Al Stills, 07:13
May 19, 2004
- Europa-List: Fuel system Tidbits, irampil, 21:28
- Re: Europa-List: Fuel system Tidbits, Cliff Shaw, 20:38
- Re: Europa-List: Flap closeout question, John & Amy Eckel, 17:05
- Europa-List: Flap closeout question, Andrew Sarangan, 15:30
- Re: Europa-List: Throttle Cable, DuaneFamly, 13:53
- Re: Europa-List: Drop of the Hat Tue18th, William Mills, 11:25
- Re: Europa-List: Throttle Cable, rlborger, 08:25
May 18, 2004
- Re: Europa-List: Honda Europa, Rowland Carson, 22:01
- Re: Europa-List: Throttle Cable, Duncan McFadyean, 21:01
- Re: Europa-List: Throttle cables, Duncan McFadyean, 20:23
- Europa-List: Alternative Engines, David Simenauer, 20:15
- Re: Europa-List: Throttle Cable, Gerry Holland, 20:00
- Re: Europa-List: Honda Europa, Gerry Holland, 19:01
- Re: Europa-List: Honda Europa, tom, 18:23
- Europa-List: Throttle Cable, Erich Trombley, 17:59
- RE: Europa-List: Throttle cables, David Glauser, 12:35
- RE: Europa-List: Honda Europa, Peter Zutrauen, 10:37
- Re: Europa-List: Honda Europa, tom, 10:22
- Re: Europa-List: Honda Europa, Stephan Cassel, 09:04
- Re: Europa-List: Honda Europa, Fred R . Klein, 08:38
- RE: Europa-List: 914 Maint Manual, Kingsley Hurst, 08:37
May 17, 2004
- Europa-List: Honda Europa, Rob Neils, 23:09
- Re: Europa-List: 914 Maint Manual, David Joyce, 23:02
- Europa-List: pfa rally hotel taxi service, Rowland Carson, 22:28
- Re: Europa-List: Drop of the Hat Tue18th, William Mills, 21:06
- Re: Europa-List: 914 Maint Manual, Stanislav Švec, 20:57
- Re: Europa-List: Throttle cables, Duncan McFadyean, 19:55
- Re: Europa-List: Throttle cables, Steve Hagar, 18:12
- Re: Europa-List: Drop of the Hat Tue18th, P . A . D . Clarke, 16:31
- Europa-List: 914 Maint Manual, Jim Butcher, 14:14
- Europa-List: pfa rally volunteers sought, Rowland Carson, 12:24
- Europa-List: Styrene?? Poisoning, Tony Renshaw, 12:20
- Europa-List: Styrene?? Poisoning, Tony Renshaw, 11:41
- Europa-List: Throttle cables, Graham Singleton, 10:05
- Re: Europa-List: First flight, rlborger, 07:19
- Re: Europa-List: Drop of the Hat Tue18th, bryan allsop, 07:13
- Re: Europa-List: Drop of the Hat Tue18th, William Mills, 06:52
- No Subject, ownereuropalistserver, 04:29
May 16, 2004
- Re: Europa-List: Throttle cables, Duncan McFadyean, 22:53
- Re: Europa-List: [ Rob Neils ] : New Email List Photo Share, Ed, 22:11
- Europa-List: Throttle cables, Gerry Holland, 20:52
- Re: Europa-List: First flight, John & Amy Eckel, 19:09
- Europa-List: Drop of the Hat Tue18th, P . A . D . Clarke, 18:43
- Re: Europa-List: Rotax Regulator Wiring, nigel charles, 18:01
- RE: Europa-List: First flight, Robert Berube, 17:16
- Europa-List: First flight, Rob Neils, 13:20
- Europa-List: [ Rob Neils ] : New Email List Photo Share Available!, Email List Photo Shares, 10:58
- Re: Europa-List: Drop of the Hat Tue18th, bryan allsop, 09:05
May 13, 2004
- Europa-List: Top On!, Raimo Toivio, 23:28
- Re: Europa-List: Rotax Regulator Wiring, n3eu, 22:53
- RE: Europa-List: anyone have a crate in southern CA?, KARL HEINDL, 22:28
- RE: Europa-List: Aerobatics, Pete Lawless, 22:27
- Europa-List: Crating the XS, steved, 21:35
- RE: Europa-List: Aerobatics, Robert Berube, 19:19
- Europa-List: Rotax Regulator Wiring, Richard Holder, 18:37
- Europa-List: anyone have a crate in southern CA?, tom, 11:37
- Re: Europa-List: Aerobatics, tom, 09:20
May 12, 2004
- RE: Europa-List: Aerobatics, David Legge dlegge, 23:03
- Europa-List: Sad News, Robert Berube, 19:42
- Re: Europa-List: Cooling, Rocketman, 18:19
- RE: Europa-List: Cooling/Firewall, KARL HEINDL, 12:54
- Re: Europa-List: flash generator units, David Joyce, 11:09
- Re: Europa-List: Europa Club 'Tour de France, 19-26/6/04, David Joyce, 11:02
- RE: Europa-List: Cooling, Robert Berube, 07:43
- RE: Europa-List: Cooling, Robert Berube, 07:34
- RE: Europa-List: Cooling, Rob Housman, 07:33
May 11, 2004
- Re: Europa-List: Spar Placement Problem, Fergus Kyle, 22:44
- Re: Europa-List: Europa Club 'Tour de France, 19-26/6/04, Simon Miles, 21:22
- RE: Europa-List: Cooling, Robert Berube, 21:01
- Re: Europa-List: Cooling, Rocketman, 20:56
- Re: Europa-List: Cooling, Cliff Shaw, 20:24
- Europa-List: Spar Placement Problem, DuaneFamly, 18:56
- Re: Europa-List: Cooling, James Nelson, 18:47
- Re: Europa-List: Cooling, Cliff Shaw, 17:13
- Re: Europa-List: to build or not to build, Rowland Carson, 15:28
- Europa-List: Tour de France Trip 19-26/6/04, David Joyce, 13:58
- Europa-List: Europa Club 'Tour de France, 19-26/6/04, David Joyce, 13:26
- Re: Europa-List: Cooling, KARL HEINDL, 12:43
- Re: Europa-List: flash generator units, TELEDYNMCS, 11:58
- Re: Europa-List: to build or not to build, David Joyce, 10:04
- Europa-List: Auto Tensioning Shoulder Straps, Tony Renshaw, 08:58
- Re: Europa-List: Cooling, KARL HEINDL, 01:07
May 10, 2004
- Europa-List: Cooling, Paul Stewart, 22:56
- Re: Europa-List: Cooling, Fergus Kyle, 21:29
- Re: Europa-List: Cooling, James Nelson, 20:49
- Re: Europa-List: Auto Tensioning Shoulder Straps, James Nelson, 20:39
- Re: Europa-List: wingtip light covers, Rocketman, 18:52
- Re: Europa-List: wingtip light covers, Rocketman, 18:48
- Re: Europa-List: to build or not to build, Rocketman, 18:46
- Re: Europa-List: Cooling, James Nelson, 18:39
- Re: Europa-List: Cooling, Rocketman, 18:36
- Re: Europa-List: to build or not to build, DuaneFamly, 17:00
- RE: Europa-List: Rotax Regulator Wiring, Kingsley Hurst, 15:27
- RE: Europa-List: Rotax Regulator Wiring, Kingsley Hurst, 14:50
- Re: Europa-List: Rotax Regulator Wiring, Richard Holder, 13:21
- Re: Europa-List: to build or not to build, asdfa afa df, 11:41
- RE: Europa-List: Rotax Regulator Wiring, Kingsley Hurst, 10:34
- Europa-List: wingtip light covers, Graham Singleton, 09:50
- Re: Europa-List: Rotax Regulator Wiring, n3eu, 03:54
May 09, 2004
- Europa-List: Monroy ADT-300 Traffic Detector, Fabian Lefler, 23:01
- Re: Europa-List: wingtip light covers, Rocketman, 19:32
- RE: Europa-List: wingtip light covers, beecho, 18:51
- Re: Europa-List: Micro-mesh treatment of windscreen scratches, Bill Henderson, 18:29
- Europa-List: Micro-mesh treatment of windscreen scratches, Alan Stewart, 17:51
- Re: Europa-List: Micro-mesh treatment of windscreen scratches, Cliff Shaw, 13:01
- Europa-List: wingtip light covers, Graham Singleton, 12:35
- RE: Europa-List: Micro-mesh treatment of windscreen scratches, Rob Housman, 11:46
- Re: Europa-List: Aerobatics, Fergus Kyle, 10:25
- Re: Europa-List: Rotax Regulator Wiring, Richard Holder, 10:05
- Re: Europa-List: Digitrak AP, Duncan McFadyean, 10:00
- Re: Europa-List: Rotax Regulator Wiring, Duncan McFadyean, 09:46
- Re: Europa-List: Replacement fuel pipe, Duncan McFadyean, 09:30
- Re: Europa-List: Replacement fuel pipe, n3eu, 01:13
May 08, 2004
- Re: Europa-List: Rotax Regulator Wiring, GT, 22:32
- Europa-List: Flying to Serbia-Croatia, Gerry Holland, 20:39
- Re: Europa-List: Rotax Regulator Wiring, Richard Holder, 19:08
- Re: Europa-List: Batteries, J . R . Jones, 18:02
- Europa-List: Cutting BID and making wingtips. (was Flexible Sanding Medium), Rocketman, 17:47
- Europa-List: Replacement fuel pipe, David Corbett, 15:30
- Re: Europa-List: Replacement fuel pipe, Jeff Roberts, 14:15
- Re: Europa-List: Rotax Regulator Wiring, GT, 13:17
- Re: Europa-List: Rotax Regulator Wiring, Richard Holder, 10:39
- Re: Europa-List: Rotax Regulator Wiring, John Cliff, 09:37
- Re: Europa-List: Rotax Regulator Wiring, Timothy . P . Ward, 09:19
May 07, 2004
- Re: Europa-List: Flexible Sanding Medium, John & Amy Eckel, 21:22
- RE: Europa-List: Aerobatics, Rowland Carson, 19:48
- Re: Europa-List: Carb balancing kit, Rowland Carson, 19:15
- Re: Europa-List: Re: Antennas, Rocketman, 18:55
- Re: Europa-List: Flexible Sanding Medium, Rocketman, 18:43
- Re: Europa-List: Rotax Regulator Wiring, Thesee Gilles, 18:39
- RE: Europa-List: rivet and order numbers, beecho, 16:10
- Re: Europa-List: Rotax Regulator Wiring, Gerry Holland, 15:17
- Europa-List: Rotax Regulator Wiring, John Cliff, 14:42
- Re: Europa-List: Batteries, David Joyce, 12:42
- Europa-List: trucking to flightcrafters, tom, 12:05
- Re: Europa-List: Fuel smell, DuaneFamly, 12:01
- Re: Europa-List: rivet and ordernumbers, DuaneFamly, 11:38
- RE: Europa-List: Flexible Sanding Medium, Neville Eyre, 09:46
- Re: Europa-List: trucking to flightcrafters, Mike Baker, 09:36
- Re: Europa-List: Re: Antennas, Jim Brown, 08:28
May 06, 2004
- Re: Europa-List: Fuel smell, Tim Ward, 21:52
- Re: Europa-List: Carb balancing kit, William Mills, 21:45
- Re: Europa-List: Fuel smell, Rocketman, 21:25
- Europa-List: Drop of The Hat Friday 7th, P . A . D . Clarke, 19:51
- Re: Europa-List: to build or not to build, James Nelson, 19:20
- RE: Europa-List: Flexible Sanding Medium, Kingsley Hurst, 17:32
- Europa-List: rivet and ordernumbers, Jos Okhuijsen, 17:26
- Europa-List: Batteries, DuaneFamly, 16:20
- Fw: Europa-List: Flexible Sanding Medium, Fergus Kyle, 15:09
- RE: Europa-List: Flexible Sanding Medium, Kingsley Hurst, 14:57
- Europa-List: Aerobatics, irampil, 14:06
- RE: Europa-List: to build or not to build, Chuck Popenoe, 13:30
- Europa-List: NAME CORRECTION-Alec Bowman, Christine and Peter Timm, 08:51
- Europa-List: Carb balancing kit, bryan allsop, 08:04
- Re: Europa-List: Fuel smell, bryan allsop, 07:56
- Re: Europa-List: Flexible Sanding Medium, William Mills, 07:38
- Re: Europa-List: Re: Antennas, Jim Brown, 07:32
- Re: Europa-List: FIRST FLIGHT - Alex Bauman -C-GGHY, rlborger, 07:03
- Re: Europa-List: to build or not to build, tom, 00:07
May 05, 2004
- Europa-List: Flexible Sanding Medium, Kingsley Hurst, 21:40
- Europa-List: Re: Antennas, Jan de Jong, 21:30
- Europa-List: FIRST FLIGHT - Alex Bauman -C-GGHY, Christine and Peter Timm, 21:20
- Re: Europa-List: Flexible Sanding Medium, R . C . Harrison, 19:28
- Re: Europa-List: to build or not to build, James Nelson, 18:17
- Europa-List: Windscreen Conduits, Tony Renshaw, 15:15
- Europa-List: Re: Antennas, Rocketman, 12:25
- Re: Europa-List: External Power Connection, nigel charles, 12:11
- Re: Europa-List: Flexible Sanding Medium, Fergus Kyle, 10:50
- Re: Europa-List: External Power Connection, Runnymede73, 10:14
May 03, 2004
- Europa-List: The Six Nation Tour - postponned, William Mills, 13:52
- Europa-List: Headset squeeling, Graham Singleton, 12:05
- Re: Europa-List: Alternative Trigear Bungee Fitment, Fergus Kyle, 11:07
- Re: Europa-List: The Six Nation Tour - postponned, bryan allsop, 10:55
- Europa-List: Europa Acro, irampil, 10:21
- Re: Europa-List: Alternative Trigear Bungee Fitment, Gerry Holland, 08:03
May 02, 2004
- RE: Europa-List: Alternative Trigear Bungee Fitment, RICHARD IDDON, 23:28
- Re: Europa-List: Alternative Trigear Bungee Fitment, Mark Burton, 23:07
- Re: Europa-List: to build or not to build, Rowland Carson, 20:52
- Europa-List: Alternative Trigear Bungee Fitment, Gerry Holland, 20:41
- Re: Europa-List: Mode "c" info required, Rowland Carson, 19:44
- Re: Europa-List: Alternative Trigear Bungee Fitment, Jim Brown, 18:08
- Europa-List: Not enough turbo boost, Paul McAllister, 16:48
- Re: Europa-List: Alternative Trigear Bungee Fitment, Cliff Shaw, 16:43
- Europa-List: Avionics question, Paul McAllister, 16:43
- Re: Europa-List: Not enough turbo boost, Jerry Rehn, 16:00
- Re: Europa-List: Avionics question, Jerry Rehn, 15:34
May 01, 2004
- Re: Europa-List: europa trigear trailer, ptag . dev, 22:08
- Re: Subject: Re: Europa-List: Mode "c" info required, Tim Houlihan, 21:08
- Subject: Re: Europa-List: Mode "c" info required, ownereuropalistserver, 20:30
- RE: Europa-List: to build or not to build, Chuck Popenoe, 19:30
- Re: Europa-List: europa trigear trailer, Richard Holder, 18:22
- Re: Europa-List: XSAileron clearance upper close out flange, Gerry Holland, 18:05
- Re: Europa-List: Tailwheel tire, John & Amy Eckel, 17:33
- Re: Europa-List: europa trigear trailer, Ctogs, 16:47
- Europa-List: Re: to build or not to build, Jim Butcher, 12:37
- Europa-List: europa trigear trailer, Ctogs, 12:30
- Europa-List: XSAileron clearance upper close out flange, EuropaXSA276, 11:13
- Re: Europa-List: XSAileron clearance upper close out flange, Jeff Roberts, 10:55
- Re: Europa-List: XSAileron clearance upper close out flange, Don Pettey, 10:49
- RE: Europa-List: XSAileron clearance upper close out flange, Kevin Klinefelter, 09:21
- Europa-List: Aerobatics in Aussie, Tony Renshaw, 07:58
- Re: Europa-List: to build or not to build, Brad Newell, 06:10