Good day All,
Along this line I wanted to put out an observation that I just made. When I
started my project about 18 months ago, I was reading a thread about fuel
smell. Since I planned on installing a fuel sight gauge that is set forth in the
manual, I took a 7" piece of the Europa supplied tubing, clear tubing about
.450"/12mm OD and .325/8mm ID marked either TU23 or TUZ3 and put it in a clear
of 87 octane unleaded California gasoline (petrol) with a sealed lid and
placed the jar outside my shop in the sunshine. It's now been 14 months and I
removed it. While I can bend it without it breaking or cracking, it is
noticeably harder that when I first put it in and is also harder than the 1"
that was above the fuel level. This has caused that me to think that the seal
at a bard connection may be prone to seepage and can cause the fuel smell.
1) Has anyone experienced any problem during normal use in their plane?
2) Anyone know the material these tubes are made from?
3) What alternatives have been used successfully?
Mike Duane A207
Redding, California
XS Conventional Gear
CM & rudder pedals with cables installed. Tailwheel complete. Wing pins and
tie bar installed. Working on baggage bay. Conventional gear assembled and soon
to be fitted.
Back from Sun-N-Fun with lots of ideas!