I am working on my top, and am wondering if this is a good time to install
a conduit forward of the door rebate and behind the windscreen. I know for
ease of work this is the right time, and am wondering what ideas people
have. I haven't checked the manual, but I believe the windscreen flange is
cut back to 20 mm, or thereabouts, so I suppose I have as much as that to
play with, considering I also need a small amount of flange remaining
uncovered to attach trim to. So, any suggestions, please???
Tony Renshaw
Sydney Australia
Classic 236 B.B. Taildragger (possibly convertible)
Tail, Wings, Ailerons, Flaps Complete and Connected
Lower Fuse in Jig, Tail Torque Tube installed
Mass Balance assembly installed and deflections sorted
Intended Engine: 912S CS prop (model undecided)
Instrumentation: Undecided