Hi All and Svein expressly!
My top is today finally bonded on
and wanna share my experiences:
- it took Redux 3 x 105 g (75+30) = 315 g
- about 50 g was wiped off
- it took 20 clecos and about 100 pcs of self-tapping screws
- three man
- 3 hours (1 for preparation, 1 for bonding and 1 for finishing)
- starting temparature was 16,0C and humidity 53%
- after all 24,7C and 32%, stable
- levelling spar pins and torque tube 0,00 degrees
- levelling fin by plumb line exactly 90 degrees
- after all my wife thought we deserved one bottle of
Laurent Perrier brut and so it was my first Europa champagne
The most important thing: few days ago Svein from Oslo
recommend me to install plywood block between lower
fuselage sides just front of torque tube to prevent TT binding.
I noticed that without this block TT comes very easy stiff
when top is on.
I am very grateful for Svein from this golden advice and
will recommed it for everybody. Stiff TT is not very sexy.
This evening was a milestone for me.
Raimo M W Toivio
OH-XRT #417
37500 Lempaala
tel + 358 3 3753 777
fax + 358 3 3753 100
gsm + 358 40 590 1450
Raimo M W Toivio
37500 Lempaala, FINLAND
tel +358 3 3753 777
fax +358 3 3753 100
gsm +358 40 590 1450