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Re: Europa-List: Europa Trailer Ball Hitch Size

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Europa Trailer Ball Hitch Size
Date: Fri, 28 May 2004 13:14:53

Good day All,

Here in the US the 1 7/8" ball hitch (Class 1) is rated at a maximum 200 lb 
tongue weight and maximum load of 2000 lbs. That's the weight of your airplane

plus the weight of the trailer plus any other items carried on the trailer.
The 2" ball hitch (Class 2) is rated at 300 lb tongue weight and maximum of 
3500 lb load.

So when you are checking out trailers, find out how much they weigh, then add 
the plane weight at MTOW, add any boxes or fuel cans that you will mount to 
the trailer for misc. stuff, and keep a margin below the hitches maximum 
pulling capacity.

Also find out what the maximum towing capacity of the vehicle that is going 
to pull your trailer/plane.

Mike Duane A207
Redding, California
XS Conventional Gear
CM & rudder pedals with cables installed. Tailwheel complete. Wing pins and 
tie bar installed. Working on baggage bay. Conventional gear assembled and soon

to be fitted.
Waiting thirteen weeks now for Mod 68 Flap Actuator to ship.

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