After stashing away my wings while waiting on my strobes to arrive, I'm
marching forward to CHAPTER 11! <fanfare please>
My question is about trimming the fuselage bottom < page 11-1 > The manual
says to cut the molding at the trim line which is barley visible. No problem
there. Until I get next to the firewall... No trim line in the short rounded
corner where regular epoxy stops, and phenolic resin begins. Hummm...
Question 1.
Should I trim all the way to the flat edge of the firewall or should I leave
the rounded Corner?
Question 2.
At the opposite end I see the trim line. I assume that I need to trim the
area where the tail attaches as well. True?
Once again. Thanks to all for your opinions, tips, and most of all ...
Brian S
A276 Tri Gear. Texas