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Europa-List: Gel Coat

Subject: Europa-List: Gel Coat
Date: Sun, 30 May 2004 19:13:19

Good Day All,

For those that have recently finished their aircraft painting......what did 
you do about the gel coat that covers the wings and fuselage? Sand it off? 
Roughen it only?

Not near that point but inquiring minds, you know.

Also, is anyone else having to wait months to receive parts from Europa? I'm 
going on thirteen weeks for the electric flap actuator for the Mod 68. It 
seems a bit long.

Mike Duane A207
Redding, California
XS Conventional Gear
CM & rudder pedals with cables installed. Tailwheel complete. Wing pins and 
tie bar installed. Working on baggage bay. Conventional gear being assembled 
Waiting thirteen weeks now for Mod 68 Flap Actuator to ship.

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