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RE: Europa-List: First few hours N378PJ

Subject: RE: Europa-List: First few hours N378PJ
From: Paul Boulet <possibletodo@YAHOO.COM>
Date: Mon, 31 May 2004 16:02:39

Paul I wish I was a technically proficient when it came to building a web site.
Like others, I'd like to hear about the post build flight testing, problems
you encounter and stuff like that.  Hope to be joining you in the skies next 
any chance you'll make OshKosh this year?

Paul Boulet, N914PB

Kevin Klinefelter <> wrote:

I want to hear everything about every flight! I am sanding, priming,
sanding. The news of your flights and performance testing is truly
inspirational. Please keep posting on your web site.

Kevin, N211KA

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Paul McAllister
Subject: Europa-List: First few hours N378PJ

Hi all,

I have flown a total of 6.5 hours this week and so far so good. I have been
particularly concerned about a fuel blockage so I took the gascolator bowl
off after a couple of hours. There was some sediment in the bowl but
nothing stuck to the screen. Previous to flying I cycled the entire tank
full through a filter twice and it seems like I might have got the bulk of

The aircraft is an absolute delight to fly, it is everything Europa said it
would be. It fly's hands off and seems to stall straight ahead, although I
haven't tried it with the flaps / gear down yet and based on Graham
Singletons mishap I have decided to fit some stall strips. The only
adjustment I might have to make is to the C of G, it seems further forward
than my calculations would suggest. . Take offs are quick, I operate off a
5000' runway and I can be at pattern altitude by the time I get to the end
of the runway. I haven't tried it with the prop set to takeoff pitch and
kicking in the turbo charger, I suspect that it would climb like a scolded
cat. The local grass strip is too wet at the moment so I have been working
of pavement. Its a bit of a handful and I don't fly if there is more than
20 degrees of cross wind component. I will have to work up to cross wind
landings very slowly.

I haven't finished my ASI calibrations yet, but it is shaping up to being
good for 135 knots TAS without the speed kit on. I took it up to 10,000
feet to check the turbo charger waste gate adjustments to check to ensure it
would hold 34". A very rough speed check indicated a 160 knot TAS.

I am wondering what to do about my WEB site
( ) . Are folks interested in me writing up
my test flying ?, and possibly a trip diary? I be interested in some feed
back on this.


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