The W&B is that determination that the plane's center of gravity is in a
proper place for stabile flight at that loading position and weight. At max
gross the C.G. still must fall in the proper place.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rowland Carson" <>
Subject: Europa-List: max gross weight [was: unhelpful digest reference]
> >The builder is in charge and can make any changes he feels comfortable
> >If the FAA will permit the plane
> >to fly its test phase then you are good to go. They are looking for
> >construction quality, W&B and proper paper work
> Cy - "W&B" - that's weight & balance, so aren't they looking for a
> weight that is appropriate to the airframe design rules? Or are they
> going to be happy with any old weight you stick on the form? Surely
> the FAA won't accept it if the builder says "I am comfortable for my
> Europa to have a MGW of 3600 pounds", for instance.
> regards
> Rowland
> --
> | Rowland Carson PFA #16532 <>
> | 710 hours building Europa #435 G-ROWI e-mail <>