Very well put.
You could add to the 100,000 GBP the customers who like me who have
delayed placing any orders until all the dust settles. Mine will go out as
soon as I hear some good news.
I hope you are taking note Keith.
Paul Atkinson
Hello Keith,
It has been over two weeks now since your promise of an imminent
financial restructuring
of EMIL for the security of Europa's future. As this has been going
on for several weeks already I am extremely disappointed that nothing
has appeared on any UK aviation magazine website referring to the state of
EMIL and wonder if this is a deliberate policy of silence by you.
If you care anything of those 1000 plus builders and fliers who are
or operating their Europa, and need parts, fittings or spares to finish
and maintain
their aircraft (and which they are presently unable to get from EMIL),
you will release a statement to the aviation press with your future for
including a timescale for new kit production and delivery, a plan to deal
the backlog of orders currently paid for but not yet delivered (presently,
we are led to believe, exceeding GBP 100,000), and details of Europa's
development plans. And what about new customers - what are they being told
the moment?
If you continue this silence then what will your customers conclude? Any
worth his salt, proud of his product and really interested in the continued
wellbeing of his customers would, at the very least, have contacted all
customers directly, or already have put out a press release by official
I do not want a personal reply to this email: Your CUSTOMERS look
forward to
reading your statement on the Flyer, Pilot and Todays Pilot websites in
the next
couple of days. I will be copying this email to the list for their benefit.
David Bosomworth
Europa Club Chairman
Europa Kit 67