Hi! Simon.
I'm not qualified to make any specific recommendations but find myself
surprised to see that the replies to date don't raise question about the
isolator remaining energised.
My experience is that :-
a) left energised for long periods it can overheat.?
b) It will probably "pull" 1/2 amp continious to remain energised so you
will need a damn good battery to last between start ups.?
Bob Harrison G-PTAG
----- Original Message -----
From: "Simon Smith" <jodel@nildram.co.uk>
Subject: Europa-List: Wiring query
> Hi all,
> I have virtually completed the wiring in accordance with the diagram on
> Page 25-11 issue 4 which I believe is the latest version. I am using a
> battery isolator and, after discussion with Andy, I have swapped the 30amp
> slow blow fuses on the battery feed and regulator feed to 25 amp CB's.
> I crossed my fingers and powered it up and fortunately everything seems to
> work. One thing that I have noticed though is that if the batt master CB
> pulled, power is removed from the aircraft but the isolator remains
> energised (which I think is correct according to the diagram). Does it
> matter that there is no fuse/cb protecting the isolator?
> Cheers
> Simon
> #504 G-BZTN
> 80% done 90% left to do!