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RE: Europa-List: Finger brakes

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Finger brakes
From: Europa Aircraft <>
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2004 13:30:03

Hi all,

The brake manser cylinders were actually sourced from, and handled by the US 

There are a number of different "grades" of brake seals, and grades of dot 5 
I found out that the previous batch of brake cylinders shiped to Europa
had a lower grade seal than specified.  This was not a huge problem, except when
combined with certain lower grades of DOT 5 fluid.  If the seals didn't like
the brand of fluid they would swell causing them to fail to return with the
spring only.  There were two solotions worked out to the problem with the 
of the wheel, and master cylinders.  They were: 1. use automatic transmission
fluid as that should not harm anything or 2. change to the higher grade
seals, or both.  Problem was Europa didn't get a straight answer about which
automatic transmission fluid was best from either manufacturer.

Also, there was no way in Europa's quality control could identify what seals 
installed in every cylinder as they all look alike.

Good news is that no brakes have failed because of the seals when Dot 5 was 
the bad seals just swell a little reqiring the pilot to manually return the
brake handles to the off position.

Be sure and compleatly flush your system if changing brake fluids.

Hope that helps!


-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Burrows <>
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Finger brakes

I have the same problem with my tri gear but just accept it as there is
no apparent lack of braking ability. Also I don't feel the brakes are
binding so how big a problem is it?
XS Trigear G-CBWF 

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of G-IANI
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Finger brakes

Yes I have and so have a number of others.  I have notes on what others
have reported but no clear solution.  Ivor Phillips (XS486) has
converted his to use automatic transmission fluid.  Karl Heidl has
changed the rubbers for new but I believe with only limited success.

I will be happy to be involved in any experimental work to try and solve
the problem for good.  I am sure Andy Draper will also advise if we have

Ian Rickard  #505 G-IANI XS Trigear
Europa Club Assistant Mods Rep
   or direct

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Peter Field
Subject: Europa-List: Finger brakes

--> <>

Has anybody experienced the springs in the cylinder of the finger brakes
not being powerful enough to return the plunger assembly to its usual
resting position after operation?

If so, what is the cure?

Peter Field
Kit 566

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