Erich Trombley wrote:
> Fred, I have the same vintage aircraft and experienced a similar
> situation. Having trimmed the perspex many years ago to the
> proper fit and just recently bonding them in. My perspex had
> curled up, thus when I placed the perspex in the door frame it
> was short of the frame by 1/2 or more in some places from top
> to bottom. Sideways was pretty close. Not to worry though.
> Once I applied some pressure in the center of the perspex it
> flattened out and everything fit just has it had all those years
Thanks for the input, Erich. On mine, one side (the older in Perspex
years) sits flush in the rebate all around, and the gap at the top is
a uniform 1/4" - 5/16", the full length. I don't see where pushing
can close the gap except at the center. I 'd prefer not to risk
bonding in stresses in the acrylic if, the rebate still has to be
modified anyway. One reason that crazing can eventually show up.
Fred F.