----- Original Message -----
From: "MICHAEL PARKIN" <mikenjulie.parkin@btopenworld.com>
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Transponder issues
| Fergus,
| Me tinks you are avoiding the answer that you don't want!!!! I have a
| SL70 transponder, and what an excellent peice of kit it is. It sounds to
| that we have virtually identical installations. Standard lollipop antenna
| with about a 5" diameter aluminium (aluminum in american)ground plane
| installed behind the baggage bay, lower fuselage. Mine works a treat so
| and has done since installation. So, IMHO, the problem you have is not
| the installation configuration - you have a fault. Cabling , connectors
| the SL70 box itself. Sorry I can't be more comforting.
| regards
| MP
Well, now, Moikle, me ol' trout,
I don't want an answer. I don't have a problem, although the net
now thinks I do! I tink you've confused me with the original complainant, so
sent this sotto voce.
Cheers, Ferg