> You did not comment on directivity/blanking. You don't suppose
> those periods of ATC non-reception to be this cause? It seems
> outlandish but such things do exist methinks. What would you
> propose? I am interested in your thoughts.............
> Cheers, Ferg
If your reply lamp is blinking, but ATC can't see it, then under the
reciprocity law, it's unlikely the antenna installation. However,
now, there's no way to know whether the replies behind the blinking
light are associated with the ATC facility you're talking to. The
radar site(s) ATC is using to interrogate you could indeed be within a
null area in your radiation pattern, and therefore a likely
installation issue. In fact, more so lately, you could merely be
replying to TCAS interrogations from an airplane close by, and many of
the TCAS boxes blast you with about 400 watts worth of interrogatory,
I guess for safety and thus legal liability reasons.
All the more why nothing certain can be deduced from a blinking reply
light, except a 50-cent lamp is good!
Fred F.