In defense of Ira, I think one of the main messages he was trying to make
was that the very FIRST thing the new owners should have done was to send a
letter to all Europa owners, saying something like.........
"Hi, my name is Joe Blow (or whatever), and I have recently purchased the
Europa Kit business. I want to apologize to any and all who have been
inconvenienced by the recent developments and want to assure you that I will
do everything possible to make things right with everyone. Over the next
several weeks I will be assessing the state of the business, and developing
a business recovery plan to get the parts and kit pipeline up and running.
I will continue to communicate periodically and directly to all of you. In
the interim, I will appreciate your patience as things get sorted out.
Thank you."
A letter something like the above should have been sent out either ahead of,
or concurrently with notification to the Europa Club, and to the aviation
press. I believe if this letter had been sent to all of us, you wouldn't
have heard a single whine or bitch. That we've had no direct communication
simply makes us suspicious.
What say you, new owners? Care to communicate directly with us?
Garry Stout
N4220S Trigear, 350 hrs.
----- Original Message -----
From: "R.C.Harrison" <>
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Open Response to Dave (Buzz)
> <>
> Hi! Ira and the rest of the impatient bunch.
> I know there is a lot of wound licking to be done and I do have lots of
> sympathy for those deeply robbed, however it is quite apparent that those
> who are "ranting" for attention have never been involved in a regeneration
> event concerning a failed company. I have, I've been there, if I had my
> time
> over those making the loudest noise would have gone to the bottom of the
> list.
> You clearly don't understand the logistics of the tasks to be done in a
> very
> orderly manner, the new team must have time to establish sub-contractors,
> credit facilities, commence manufacturing lead times and I'm sure perhaps
> negotiate new suppliers of some parts since there may well be some
> contractors who have lost lots more than some would be builders, and in
> consequence will not take kindly to resumption of supplies without some
> guarantes.
> I suggest that when the UK base is back on a firm footing then the "ducks"
> in the States might begin to get put in line.
> I'm sure Andy and Co. can't afford to tell you this but I as a past
> customer
> can , just get off their backs for a week or two and let them do their
> dillegent thing or you will have a second company failure.
> regards
> Bob Harrison G-PTAG
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Subject: Europa-List: Open Response to Dave (Buzz)
>> Hi Dave,
>> First, I did not say the largest market, I said one of the largest
>> markets
>> Second with all due respect for your position as President of the Europa
>> club,
>> telling you the good news alone is not nearly the same as telling Europa
>> Owners.
>> Rather more like a third to a fifth of the thousand kits sold. I know
>> for
>> a fact
>> that Andy, at least, is not nearly so web- clueless as the sad case of
>> the
>> Europa
>> employees who sent that sad missive to the Club begging publicity, and
>> completely ignorant of the list, the web site and everyone else.
>> Third, I think it is completely reasonable and proud to be UK centric.
>> You guys have a fine product and are deservidly proud. It is just a
>> lousy business plan.
>> Fourth, the US builders have in proportion been hurt more by
>> the old company than UK builder where the parts pipeline persisted
>> longer and no one was held up by imaginary container shipments.
>> Therefore, even a casual neglect of the folks on this side is taken as an
>> affront, intended or not.
>> Knowing Andy and Nev from many hours at Oshkosk and SnF I have the
>> highest
>> respect
>> and appreciation for them even though I never called them for assistence
>> (OK, calling to complain
>> about mismolded parts is another issue). I only wish success for them. (
>> Even if Nev still
>> owes Russ amd me the plans for the balsa model)
>> I have had a number of US owners write me privately to tell me how they
>> have been
>> screwed by Keith and Europa. While I am done, except for glider wings,
>> and I have tried the
>> whole time to help Europa, even to the extent of working in the tent
>> trying to sell kits, none
> ...... Bla.....Bla.....Bla.....