I am a bit confused at what you describe...any chance that you could post a
picture of the pin and the "inserter/extractor"?
on 9/17/04 1:52 AM, David Joyce at davidjoyce@doctors.org.uk wrote:
> An alternative arrangement (not my invention - saw it on someone else's
> plane and use it on mine) is to have a small steel cross bar in the hole in
> the pip pin that the ring comes in - made from a piece of the small rat
> tailed ( or really mouse tailed) files you can buy sets of very cheaply. You
> can then insert or extract the pip pins from both tail plane and wing root
> with a tool made of hollowed steel with two spiralling grooves cut at the
> end so you 'screw it on ' to the pip pin end. You can then manage with
> surface openings which are about 12mm wide.
David Joyce G-XSDJ