To All who have thought today Pins w/Balls!
Yesterday night I was almost despair of my spar pip-pin.
Today I learned at least thinks as follows and can be happy also:
1) Obviously I managed to stir the ant hill.
2) I am not alone with tight spar bushes installation.
3) I am not the only one who managed to broke his pip-pin.
4) World is full off all kind of pins who only want to come to daddy.
5) There is maybe an order which is the best way to insert those pins.
6) I have to reposition my slightly conical washer whis is bonded on the port
7) I have to remove some material from the tip of the stbd spar (to get it
to the socket).
8) The distance between my bushes are slightly different in the spars.
- I have to reposition one bush or/and enlarge it by reamer (carefully!)
9) My original (and now with broken handle) pip-pin shank was oval shaped and
- diameter varies from 0,495" to 0,517" = 12,573 mm - 13,132 mm
10) Europa Net People are fantastic and fast
- I will remain and wait the data of the ideal H.D. spar pip-pin w/2 balls and
I had a fateful demo flight in Lakeland FL in 1996.
I can clearly remember how easily by one hand
Mr Roger Sheridan (?) inserted the pins before our unforgettable flight.
Eight years ago I did not understand how beautifully sight it was!
So, it is possible for all of us, also. Tight is good but not too tight.
Bob, I think the Beech wing pin is at least 1" or more.
Too big task for me to sand it to 1/2".
The best news come here:
The Northernmost Europa builder in the World
- Jos AKA Ceaser of the Lappland and Brother
of the Santa Claus - called me today and
promised me to send his ONLY spar pip-pin.
I shall got it in few hours!
Imagine: man can easily lend his wife or
even his car but this man gives his pip-pin.
Cheers, Raimo
Raimo M W Toivio
OH-XRT #417 spar traps and 978 hrs completed so far
OH-CVK, problems less than with my cycle.
OH-BLL, engines are still quiet but next monday they have their next chance.
37500 Lempaala
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