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Re: Europa-List: RE:

Subject: Re: Europa-List: RE:
From: Duncan McFadyean <>
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2004 21:02:22

<<I use a 64inch prop with my Classic on the basis that if you get within
1inch of prop strike it is very likely that the aircraft will continue
pitching until the prop touches the ground anyway.

I'm sure there's some logic here, but I need it explained to me!

Duncan Mcf.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nigel Charles" <>
Subject: Europa-List: RE:

> Hi Tim
> For your info the standard prop diameters for the Classic and XS are 62
inch and 64 inch respectively. The XS installation places the engine 1inch
higher so the ground clearance should be the same for both. The larger
diameter should be slightly more efficient as it reduces the blade angle
nearer to the optimum for the same power setting. > With warpdrive blades
(Airmaster & NSI props) untapered blades are usually specified with the 912S
and 914 whereas tapered blades are better matched to the lower power 912.
> Regards
> Nigel Charles
> -----Original Message-----
>       Can you confirm you are running a 65" prop
>     My permit says I've got a 62" warp drive on my Classic ( though I have
>     measured it!!) and I wonder how the extra diameter affects things, is
>     bigger prop standard with the XS ?

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