These guys push back so often. The legal reality is that you buy your
purchase off the credit card company, and they buy it off the merchant (EMIL
in this case).
Therefore, if you dont get your goods, the credit card company have failed
to deliver, not EMIL.
Push back at them - they're just trying to fob you off to save themselves
some money. Dont feel sorry for them - they charge the merchant 4% to cover
these situations!
Jeremy Davey
Europa Monowheel 537M G-EZZA
Europa Club Vice-Chairman, Webmaster, PFA NC Representative
PFA EC Member
Tail done
Standard XS wings with mods underway
CM installed in fuse (with airbrakes fittings)
1200 build hours to date
Intended fit:
Rotax 914 turbo, Airmaster CS fully-feathering prop
Lots of lights, buttons, switches, gizmos, and alarms
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
[mailto:owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com] On Behalf Of Tim Weert
Hi Rowland,
Can you tell me more details about the refund by creditcardcompanies, I
phoned Mastercard to try to get the money I payed EMIL (10% deposit for my
kit #604 & Trailer) with my Mastercard back, but they told me "because it's
more than one month after receiving the cardreceipt, they cannot do anything
for me".
Fortunately I found G-KITZ in an auction. She'll fly next year again unther
a new Dutch registration.
Visit EuropaOwnersForum http://forum.okhuijsen.org/