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Re: Europa-List: TP12 Drive Plates Becoming Loose

Subject: Re: Europa-List: TP12 Drive Plates Becoming Loose
From: Fred R. Klein <>
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 19:14:50

on 11/12/04 5:12 PM, Tony Renshaw at wrote:

> Gidday Again,
> If you have the luxury of being able to remove your torque tubes, do so and
> "send them off to a machinist". The mere smallest amount of "out of round"
> with the hole through the torque tube will create the dreaded movement,
> exacerbated at the trailing edge of the tailplane.

Thanks much for the head's up Tony,

Indeed I have such a luxury...but would not have thought to do so without
your response.


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