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Europa-List: Gear retraction problem

Subject: Europa-List: Gear retraction problem
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 05:09:53

I have got the main gear in now, but find that the  brake caliper is hitting 
the tunnel wall when the wheel is nearly fully retracted. The answer is to 
rotate the brake caliper 90 degrees, which is where it used to be before Europa

changed the design. However, this will require one of the old style brake 
torque plates, and the factory has not got those any more. Andy Draper advises

against the alternative of drilling another hole in the existing torque plate -

apparantly stress analysis has shown that the torque plate could fail.

I understand from Andy that a number of people have changed over to the new 
design, which has put the brake caliper in line with the swinging arm. Does 
anyone still have an old style brake torque plate kicking around that they would

be willing to let me have? 

The brake caliper is not my only gear retraction problem. The tyre is hitting 
the main brake cylinder, so I'll have to move that out of the way. The 
alternatives are upwards (another bulge on top of the tunnel) or outboard (where
will restrict seat width). I believe some other builders have had similar 
problems. Any views on which is the best solution? 

John Heykoop
XS Monowheel Kit 536 G-JHKP

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