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Europa-List: Contacting the New Europa

Subject: Europa-List: Contacting the New Europa
From: Richard Holder <>
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:01:24

Sorry it wasn't supposed to be a nasty comment.


EMIL left suppliers and customers short of 1.2 million ($2m). If those
taking over the company had had to make good that 1.2m it would not have
been viable and so E (2004) would not have come about. So then no Europa
company at all.

Does that make sense ?

It may be that E (2004) comes up with some offer to those screwed by EMIL
with items offered at cost, but that is for their business plan.


> Hear Hear, Hear hear.
> Kim 581
> Sorry Richard,
> You may be right by what  might follow in a court of law, should Mr
> morgan take it that far, but your comments of how life is a bitch are
> very much incorrect in my book. Good things happen to those people and
> companies that do what's right. Many companies here in the US. such as
> the new Glass Air did right by the people that we're due product
> A little consideration for L. Morgan would be in order here. If the new
> Europa wants the world to know they are in it for the builder/customer
> Mr. Morgan should very soon here his kit is on the way. I for one would
> not ever recommend a company that didn't care if a past customer got
> screwed. Different company owners or not! Making good on old
> commitments should have been part of the new business plan. It's part
> of building a good reputation. Something the old Europa never thought
> of. Hmmm I wonder why the didn't make it?
> Jeff
> A258

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