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Re: Europa-List: VS: Shoulderharness mounting

Subject: Re: Europa-List: VS: Shoulderharness mounting
From: Fred R. Klein <>
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2004 14:22:31

Fellow Europeans...

If I had ever doubted the value of this forum, those doubts would have been
put to rest w/ the thoughtful discussion in this thread.  My most sincere
condolences to Graham Higgins and my hopes for his quick and full recovery.

on 12/7/04 9:17 AM, Sidsel & Svein Johnsen at

> I am not aware that 4-point harness is a requirement, one diagonal shoulder
> harness should satisfy the rules, I believe (have not checked!) but if a
> fourpoint (or more probable, two shoulder harnesses attached to a common
> point in the back) can be arranged, then all the better.  I hope E2004 can
> address this earlier rather than later, and maybe they can make some money
> on a mod kit at the same time?
> Regards,
> Svein
> A225 

On the question of hardpoints, it first occurs to me that I prefer the dual
shoulder straps, just from an ergonomic point of view, and second, that I
like the notion of four attachpoints in the "ceiling" above the baggage bay
as this would afford the opportunity to distribute (rather than concentrate)
point loads on the structure of the fuselage. As I ponder this issue, my
concerns are what impact loads can be tolerated, and I'm delighted to hear
that E2004 seems interested in researching this and making recommendations.


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