I like this concept which avoids cables through the copkpit space. It may be
possible to make a structure that hinges and raises the belts above the
headrest level or make a pair of poles that can be raised after one is
Has anyone thought of altering the harness instead of the aircraft?
Could we not have a frontpiece or breastplate (or wide breast strap) to
cover the chest from which the shoulder restraining straps could be rerouted
to pass under the arms to the present top anchor point? This would stop
spine compression without changing the aircraft itself.
J R (Bob) Gowing, UK Kit 327 in Oz
----- Original Message -----
From: "Duncan McFadyean" <ami@mcfadyean.freeserve.co.uk>
Subject: Re: Europa-List: VS: Shoulderharness mounting
> So design one that is better!
> eg a "gantry" on top of the 'headrest' that routes the shoulder straps
> a higher point than existing.
> Duncan McF.