Hi Paul,
Thanks for the nice write up regarding your lightning strike experience.
I am happy that your hit was not more serious.
It reminded me of a veteran pilot I met who was talking about mountain
flying. Someone asked him how close one should fly to thunderstorms. His
reply was instantaneous, "20 miles." He had been in the USAF and had
obviously been through the school of hard knocks like yourself.
Cheers, John
From: "Paul McAllister" <paul.mcallister@qia.net>
Subject: Europa-List: Site update
Hi all, I have finally updated my web site a bit and written up the story about
getting hit by lightning. Its at http://europa363.versadev.com/ , just scroll
down to the bottom and you will see a link to that page. I have also added a
google search and a better index. I will probably write up a few pages about
test flying in the next few weeks. Paul