----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Gresham" <kgresham@dtnspeed.net>
Subject: Europa-List: Bonding on top
Anyway, I wuold appreciate all opinions as to what all could possibly be
done before top goes on and how to accomplish these things. Examples: Comm
antenna? and how to route, Nav antenna? how to route, Transponder antenna?
how to route. I noticed in a picture somewhere a baggage bay bulkhead bonded
into bottom only. What are the pos and cons? I appreciate all the help I can
get. Thanks, Ken Gresham
..lots of good advice and excellent photos in the naswers to
your query.....
I opted for a full extended baggage bay for my Classic mono and
wrestled with the same worry. I built the various bulkheads in my case:
[a] cut back the original bulkhead but left a 2-1/2 inch former all around
the roof;
[b] produced another second bulkhead to incorporate the "D" panel from
[c] built up the mass-balance tower;
[d] built the aft bulkhead with the trim motor and nearby stab axle; and
[e] installed Graham Singleton's rudder post.
Courtesy of GraSing, I encountered Paul Stewart's "splash"
alternative to applying BiD flanges to bulkheads when the top is on. This
technique was described as applying 2 layers of 4-1/2 inch-wide BiD to the
fuselage inner top where the various bulkheads meet it (with a resistant
plastic liner to permit peeling off when dry). These form a "T" for the top
of the bulkheads, and they are transferred to the bulkheads and the 'flange'
of BiD applied either side then the top installed temporarily to site them.
When dry, the top is removed and you have a 4-1/2 inch wide "T" with which
to affix the top.
In the case of the mass-balance tower, I shone a lamp up from below
centred on the tower which shadowed the position of the tower onto the top
surface (tempo installed). This permitted exact siting of the tower
With the four bulkheads (former, aft, tower and stern) all splashed
in place, it was child's play to slather the green poo onto them, affix the
fuselage top and walk away. The tail section and all fuselage areas were in
their proper position and I did'nt have to crawl into the back cone and
paste BiD over my upturned visage. One detracting fact is that the curing
green poo pulls the skin inward as it cures, whether you do it my way or the
manual's, so filler called for there.
Another preparation is a 1/2inch underground black pipe is pushed up
into the forward fin area, up the second lightening hole and out the fin
top. It extends forward to the mass-balance area inside. I don't know what
it's for yet, but I have a smooth fairly light conduit from the belly to the
fintop if I need it (Video site?).
Good luck with the plans!