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Re: Europa-List: Joggle Joint

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Joggle Joint
From: Brian Davies <>
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2004 08:49:10

Hi Mike,

I would not use the trailing edge of the fin as a guide.  You can always cut
this after bonding to get a straight line.  I found that more overlap was
possible if you pulled hard and slightly downwards at the rear of the fin.
Some slight adjustment of the horizontal edges was then necessay, but the
joggle overlap improved significantly.  I also found that there was
excessive resin at the narrow point of the joggle on the top half of the
fuselage that was preventing the top from sitting down fully at this point.
This increased the gap.  I removed this and got a much better fit.  Does
that make sense?

Brian Davies 454, Mono
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
Subject: Europa-List: Joggle Joint

> Good day All,
> I have been putting the top on and off several times now to get things
> right. One thing that I have noticed is that while all the horizontal
> joints seem to line up, the joggle joint doesn't seem to be fully
> With all things in set, the front lip to the firewall clecoed in place,
> the  trailing edge of the fin lining up, I still get only about a 60%
> in the joggle area. That's about a 3/8" (10mm) gap that does  not provide
> strength. Have others had this problem? Is it a problem? Getting  closer
to bonding
> on the top and was just a little concerned.
> Mike Duane  A207
> Redding, California
> XS Conventional Gear
> Just about to put the top  on but still finding little things to do before
> that.

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