>Although it seems unlikely the nuts can work loose. In the first year I
>had one manifold (the front stbd) come loose enough to allow sooting of
>the head due to gases escaping. I know that I am not the only case
>and have checked the nuts regularly since. One thought is, if there is
>enough thread available, lock
>the nut with an extra half nut.
>Nigel Charles
I have heard of several cases like this, particularly in the early days.
Maybe related to the old exhaust manufacturer.
Kim Prout sorted the problem with some special locking nuts onto studs. (I
don't nave the details) The nuts have a locking tab held in place with a
circlip. He bought them local to Ontario in the LA area.
I wish Kim contributed to this list, he has a lot of useful experience to
share .
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