> The latest nuts are slightly
> different (copper coloured for identification purposes) so might stay
> put better. One thought is, if there is enough thread available, lock
> the nut with an extra half nut.
> Nigel Charles
Hello, Nigel,
Thank you very much for the feedback. This point certainly needs to be
checked regularly.
I actually have the copper coloured nuts, which have a self-locking feature
that is simple to "re-condition" if it has worked loose during a few "on and
offs" of the nuts:
Just press the nut (or knock it with a hammer) to close the gap cut at the
small diameter end (those having these nuts will immediately understand what
I mean!).
On my installation, there are unfortunately not enough threads for an extra
nut. What I did, though, was to give the flanges a small negative pre-bend,
so that I could tighten the nuts a little more when bending the flanges back
to flat.
I find it odd that these flanges are made so soft - cannot see any reason
why the part around the fat part of the pipe is not made wider, it would not
have intereferred with anything.
There is an interesting feature, however, on the flange welded to the pipe
end, onto which the loose flange in focus presses: The contact surface of
that other flange is slightly bevelled, which (I think) ensures positive
contact all around even when the loose flange bends some. As any pressure
on the loose flange by the nuts being tightened will, by definition,
introduce bend in the flange, perhaps this the clever way that the
manufactur has solved this issue.
I have also followed Rotax' recommendation to prevent vibration of the
springs between down pipes and muffler by locking wires between the springs,
around the half-circumference each side of the pipes.
A225 XS Trigear - now in Norway