> Nigel Charles wrote:
> There have been several aircraft with problems with the supplied
> Others have managed to run OK for 100's of hours. One point to bear
in mind
> is that, if the earth connection to the case is less than perfect,
> than normal voltages can result. This can damage the battery as well
as the
> regulator.
A poor connection -- pos or ground -- between the regulator and
battery will cause lower voltatge at the battery, not a higher
voltage. It acts as a current-limiting, series resistance, and a poor
connection of about 2 ohms can be sufficent to cause curent flow into
the battery to substantially cease. I presume it can cause higher
heat dissipation in a shunt-type regulator like the Rotax, though.
But no more than if a master bus for all your devices is switched off.
Fred F.