I admit that the first time I started the engine this way it did feel like I
was running out of hands. However I quickly realised that there was no need
to touch the throttle in this process so it is just a case of throttle
closed, turn key with second hand on the choke. Once it is turning over
nicely, pull the choke and as soon as it fires, let go of the key and flick
the switch that activates the second mag. Then move over to the throttle and
everything else is as it used to be. Yes it is awkward but it does start
nicely and it's a lot less awkward that changing the whole plane to an XS
cowling configuration.
Dave Watts
>From: "Pete Lawless" <>
> Dave - just how many hands have you got??
> From: "David Watts" <>
> I tried a variety of the suggestions being put forward and have settled
> on leaving the choke in until the engine is spinning over, then pulling
> it out. This has completely solved all the kicking.
> A short while ago I incorporated an extra switch to issolate one mag
> whilst starting but that did not cure the kicking until I left the choke
> in again.