Jasques and all,
>1) Transponder antenna. I will follow the supplier recommendation, unless I
a better answer here. The thing that I don't know is the size of the ground
plate ???? any idea around ?
Our groundplate is 140 mm diameter.
See http://gilles.thesee.free.fr/Ant_XPDR.htm
Hopefully I'll post more subsantial info on my website in the near future.
By the way, RG 58 coax is no longer used in certified ships. RG 400 is
the coax of choice. We have a 5 meter run from panel to the tail.
>2) On radio antenna, is the ferrite balloon around the cable mandatory ?
Not at all. Our Bob Archer antenna is in the right wing tip, with BNC
break at the wing root and RG 58 coax. We routinely perform radio checks
in the 80-100 nautical mile range from FL 50 to 80. The VHF is a Becker
AR 4201.
All these matters are thoroughly covered on the AeroElectric site
Gilles Thesee
Grenoble, France