1. Draw line around outside of fuselage just forward of the mass-balance
2. Draw 4 lines perpendicular to the line in 1 (i.e. longitudinally along
the aircraft), one on top, one below and one either side
3. Cut aircraft in half around the line drawn in 1
4. Fit Mod 70 at your ease
5. Bond fuselage halves back together using the lines drawn in 2 as guides
to re-align the two halves
6. Go flying again
I dont understand what all the fuss about going down the back is about -
this procedure should obviate it very nicely :-)
Jeremy Davey
Europa Monowheel 537M G-EZZA
Europa Club Vice-Chairman, Webmaster, PFA NC Representative
PFA EC Member
If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, then it is
possible you haven't grasped the severity of the situation.
Tail done
Standard XS wings with mods underway
CM installed in fuse (with airbrakes fittings)
1390 build hours to date
Intended fit:
Rotax 914 turbo, Airmaster CS fully-feathering prop
Lots of lights, buttons, switches, gizmos, and alarms
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Fergus Kyle
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Access and Mod 70 joke !
Tie one ankle to the joystick and arrange yourself so you can
bend a knee. Sooner rather than later you should be able to grab the rope
and pull yourself to daylight.
----- Original Message -----
From: "R.C.Harrison" <>
Subject: Europa-List: Access and Mod 70 joke !
| Hi! William and all.
| I appreciate that Neville is a splendid blonde ferret and very willing
| and quick with it too and probably cheap but he still has to charge
| ...the last time I was down the Europa empennage with my arms over my
| head for too long a period with no one around I took severe chest muscle
| cramps and really had a big scare getting out. THAT WAS NO JOKE .
| With the cable stay fix there's no need to visit this problem so I can't
| for the life of me see the necessity of doing away with the cables and
| turnbuckles. Builder input to these problems should have more respect.
| (No doubt all will have a laugh at my expense but I have a thick skin
| anyway.)
| I feel that builders should only venture in there with some assistance
| stood by anyway. Ignore this at your peril.
| Regards
| Bob Harrison G-PTAG