> (No doubt all will have a laugh at my expense but I have a thick skin
> anyway.)
On the contrary Bob. There are not many people with a smaller stature than
I and I know from experience that working inside that area with the elevator
drive tube is not comfortable.
The situation as I see it is thus:- Some (many I think) builders have
fitted turnbuckles to make working with the cables easier and some haven't.
For those who haven't, the mod as supplied may be the best way to go while
for the rest of us (me included), to retain the cables will simply make life
a lot easier.
There would be no skin off Andy's nose if the cable lugs were supplied on
all the kits and they would present no disadvantage to those who don't use
them. I have written to Andy requesting him to incorporate the lugs but if
only a couple of us do this, there is little likelihood of it being done. I
therefore suggest that EVERY builder/flyer who wants to retain their
turnbuckle set-up, write to Andy making the same request in order that he
can clearly gauge the interest in doing so.
In any case, I will be fitting them regardless but since the nearest
aircraft welder is 500km from me, this is an expense and inconvenience I
would rather avoid.
PS Did I hear correctly that you have some Aussies over there teaching your
blokes how to play Cricket ?