A good number of people have already renewed their Europa Club
subscriptions, but some have not yet (see list below). Remember that
if subs are not paid by 1st June, membership will lapse. For members
in UK, or with sterling bank accounts, it reduces the Membership
Secretary's workload (and your own) significantly if you set up a
Standing Order. (Some of the poeple listed below said they were doing
that, but no payment has yet been received.) Please contact me via
<memsec@europaclub.org.uk> if you'd like to help me by setting up a
SO. If your name appears in the following alphabetical list, please
take action soon or your membership will lapse!
Karim Bachu
David Bligh
Paul Boulet
Joseph Brannen
Tony Burbidge
Carl Busuttil-Reynaud
Tim Butterworth
Jag Chaggar
Terry Clark
Mike Costin
Roger Cullum
Alan Day
Dave DeFord
Klaus Dietrich
Scott Dingman
Mike Dolphin
Patrick Farrell
Chris Garner
Dennis Gerow
Dave Glowa
Nigel Graham
Phil Hall
John Hanna
Keith Hartley
Eddie Hatcher
Paul Hawkins
Robert Henderson
Malcolm Hendra
Nigel Henry
Malcolm Hexley
Norbert Hoffmann
Rupert Holdsworth
Gerry Holland
Steven Janicki
Andrew Jarvis
Paul Johnson
Paul Kuntz
Ferg Kyle
John Lambert
Richard Lamprey
Doug Lawton
John Lindsay
Roger Lloyd
Stef Loup
Bruce Ludeman
Robert Marston
Miles McCallum
Mike Midderigh
Dave Moore
John Moore
Rick Morris
Tony Moth
Franz Muggli
Chris Napier
Simon Nash
Colin Noakes
Padhraic O'Conghaile
Sean O'Reilly
John Phillingham
Tam Pho
Ben Price
Jim Punter
Robert Reese
James Riley
Roly Robinson
Brian Robshaw
Peter Robson
Gert Rohrer
Michael Scherf
Ursula Schliessler
Rick Sementilli
Tom Sinclair
Bill Sisley
Henry Smolarek
Doug Steven
Martin Stevens
John Tattersdill
Barry Tennant
Mike Toft
Tony Wakefield
Thomas Walt
Francis Warlomont
Chris Washington
Rob Waters
Peter Waugh
Richard Winkler
Martyn Wiseman
Mike Wiseman
Peter Wood
Brian Wratten
Craig Wright
Rob Zeelenberg
| Rowland Carson Europa Club Membership Secretary - email for info!
| Europa 435 G-ROWI (750 hours building) PFA #16532
| e-mail <memsec@europaclub.org.uk> website <www.europaclub.org.uk>