How much luck have you all had about centering the balance weight between
the 2 guide strips so they will not touch per the instructions?
I worked on the positioning of the containment bracket < thankfully my top
is not on> for a few hours last night. I could not get bracket positioned to
the point the weight would not at very least brush oh so lightly against the
guides with full range of movement.
There is only about a 2 mm clearance on each side. The weight will certainly
ride against the guides most of the time unless the aircraft be parked and
securely tied down!
In addition it appears that the guide strip could be a bit long than what was
supplied. I will probably have to round off the top of the guide to prevent
any hang ups. I'm thinking of rounding the aft edge as well to prevent a hang
up if the two weight were ever to separate and cause a gap. < I'm thinking
this is why there is a spacer now provided over the old 00M hose clamp>
Anyone else with this problem with guide spacing?
Brian Skelly
Europa # A276 TriGear
See My build photos at: