I spoke Andy Draper about weight and balance calculations. He told me that
the 1370 lbs max T/O weight of the Europa is based on structural tests to
8,55 G loading with 1370 lbs of weight. This figure is decreased by a normal
safety factor of 1,5 for composite structures (which gives a G limit of 5,7
G ) and an other 1,5 "PFA superfactor" which is not a CAA requirement but a
PFA requirement. That PFA based extra "Superfactor" gives the limit of 3,8 G
in our books. The "Super factor" is not used for normal certified VLA
aircraft, only for Experimentals in the UK because of this PFA rule.
In the USA and Canada there is no Superfactor of 1,5 times required for
experimentals. Andy told me that due to this there are Europa's flying in
the USA and Canada with a max T/O Weight of 1450 lbs (or 657 kgs). I would
like to try to increase the Max. T/O weight of my Dutch registrated Europa
also to 1450 lbs in my Permit to Fly, but to get it in my Permit to Fly the
Dutch CAA is requiring a copy of a Permit to Fly from an Europa in the USA
and/or Canada with the 1450 lbs figure on it.
Is there someone with this type of Permit to Fly who can sent me a copy
(scan via email) to be able to increase the Max T/O Weight for Europa's in
The Netherlands to 1450 lbs as well?
Tim Weert
The Netherlands,
#460 PH-JAI TG 914 AP332
Email: tim.weert@hccnet.nl