Good evening All,
_www.rotaxking.com_ (
This item came up awhile back but I just now got a chance to check out the
website. Is this what people have been asking for? Anyone have any input as to
their way of installing their fuel injectors on a Rotax? The numbers sound
good. Also from what I read, they have Rotax engines, possibly from the US
Military, that are overhauled and have their fuel injector mod installed. And
check out the prices for their engines....$10K for a 912 and $14K for a 914.
I wish I was at a point in my build to have an aircraft they might think
about installing one of their engines in in order to get some real world
figures. I'd split the cost, or course. But I do live at the other end of
California, about an 8 hour drive. However I wouldn't mind living in the RV for
couple of weeks in Bakersfield testing these engines with them.
Mike Duane A207
Redding, California
XS Conventional Gear
Installing the rudder, re enforcing the door sills,
still mulling over the trim motor installation,
and working on hanging the instrument module.