My next task is to set the wing incidence.
Can one do this with the wings still open? - in other words, without the
upper surface and the uni reinforcing plies?
Any tips/bright ideas as to how to make this task easier...
Will Daniell
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Subject: Europa-List: Re: Europa-List Digest: 18 Msgs - 06/13/05
> Since the start of project, was using supermarket plastic mixing cups.
> walls and flat bottoms.
> I can't find them anymore.
Use beer cans, when empty flush out, run a sharp knife round the middle
leave to dry.Instant one shot mixing cup, ok a bit rough edged can clean up
with scissors if you want.
To get you started get in a batch of your favourite brew and some mates
around drinking and telling lies to each other, soon have a ready pile.
This approach allows you to argue successfully that you are saving heaps of
money by not squandering it on purpose made mixing cups.