Oshkosh bound Europa flyers/builders
"Wile E. Coyote" is planning to fly to the fly-in again this year. Betty
will be with me. I am trying to talk Jerry Rehn to fly his Europa with us.
He is leaning in that direction at the moment. Keep your fingers crossed.
(read this Jerry?) We will be arriving on Sunday if the weather is good. I
have a room reserved and Jerry is planning on camping.
Steve, I think you will find that the trip is a lot quicker ! :)
Cliff Shaw
1041 Euclid ave.
Edmonds, WA 98020
425 776 5555
It would be good to settle in for an evening after walking around all day
at the event for a few beers or such with some like minded individuals.
> Steve Hagar
> A143
> Mesa AZ