We are going to be there on Sunday afternoon sometime.
Not sure where we are going to camp, but it will be under the wing I am
If I remember right, there is a rule that says you can camp with your
airplane if its in the homebuilt parking area.. I think...
See you all there!
Matt Carpenter
Steve Hagar wrote:
>Just the thing to spur the enthusiasm to get the last 10% of my aircraft
and some rare air underneath the wings. Erich T is swinging by from Vegas
in his Europa to pick me up for the flight to Oshkosh by way of Nebraska to meet
up with another Europa flier. Over the last 6 years of building I probably
have about an hour and a half total time sitting in a Europa that hasn't had
some part of its structure in firm contact with the ground. So this should
be just the thing to whet the old appetite to get mine done. We'll have to see
what transpires when you stuff two 200 pounders an oxygen bottle and minimal
change of spare clothes in for a real cross country jaunt. Will it be like
cross country in an MG Miget or the or the latest Japanese classy sportscar?
Somewhere in between I hope.
>Anyway the plans are to camp in the homebuilt parking area, hoping that the
camping gear gets to the UPS tent before us. I would like to get a heads up
of others who will be camping either at the regular camping area or with their
planes. It would be good to settle in for an evening after walking around
all day at the event for a few beers or such with some like minded individuals.
>Steve Hagar
>Mesa AZ
>Steve Hagar