I looked long and hard at the 3 products in the marketplace, Airgator,
Anywhere Map and Mountain scope. I rejected the Mountain scope based on
what I saw and comments from Dave Anderson who has one in his Europa Motor
glider. The Control Vision system seems to have more features, but they
consistently provided me very poor pre sales response, so I assumed that
once they had made the sale that customer service would be really bad.
I eventually purchased the Airgator with satellite weather down load. Its a
very impressive product.You can get a free 45 day download from Airgator to
try. I find them responsive and helpful to deal with.Take a look at
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jerry Rehn" <>
> Does anyone have the Anywhere Map by Control Vivsion or the Mountainscope?
> Comments?
> Regards
> Jerry
> XS 914 Mono