I have Control Vision's Anywhere Map. It is a toy, interesting but
unreliably quirky. It will lock up at unexpected times and have to be
rebooted. It is also hard to read in the cockpit. The new Garmin 396 is
likely to be stable and way more reliable. I have a 296 and it is great. I
never travel with the Anywhere Map unless I have the Garmin along because it
is reliable.
Ken carpenter
N 9XS 914 Mono
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jerry Rehn" <rehn@rockisland.com>
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Oshkosh bound ! ? Anywheremap GPS
> Cliff and all, I am still planning on going to OSH probably camping. Does
> anyone have the Anywhere Map by Control Vivsion or the Mountainscope?
> Comments? My trip yesterday to Yakima I Had 270 oil temp on take off, 90f,
> 1100 ft ele.airport long taxi hot runway didnt help.. Lasted about 5min
> and
> settled down after cruise alt. Need to see what I can do to lower that.
> Normally temps are not an issue in rather cool Seattle area. Cliff I may
> need your assistance!!
> Regards
> Jerry
> XS 914 Mono
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Cliff Shaw" <flyinggpa@comcast.net>
> To: <europa-list@matronics.com>
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: Oshkosh bound ! ?
>> Oshkosh bound Europa flyers/builders
>> "Wile E. Coyote" is planning to fly to the fly-in again this year. Betty
>> >