We are just completing our preflight checklists on our Monowheel XS. We measure
the required 27 deg of flap movement, but with the wings rigged and gear and
flaps retracted, the flaps are not aligned with the ailerons (with ailerons
neutral with the wing tip). I put the wings on the bench off the airframe
and noted the same situation. The flaps hang down about 2 deg. I notice that
the nylon outrigger is touching the bottom of the flap hinge, FL3. Previously
before fitting the nylon rod, the flaps retracted much further. I filed
a little off FL3 and things are improved but still need to move up a little
Anyone else had this problem? Is a little flap aileron misalignment a problem?
Would it be permissible to take a little material off the nylon rod?
Jim & Heather Butcher
A185 N241BW
To the airport this week!!