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Re: Europa-List: Radio reception problems

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Radio reception problems
From: Fred Fillinger <>
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2005 20:39:07

> >... In the lower 120's we get no reception
> > at all at times.
> >
> or is it only on the Icom 200 radio.  It seems to
> me that if different guys on different aircraft (ie
installations) are
> experiencing the same problem, then perhaps the type of
> is the common factor here.
> ...
> What is the experience of the owners of other makes of

Or the actual service bench experience?  Seriously, one need
only to look at the front of the box to know it's
freq-synthesized, computer-controlled, Rube Goldberg machine
that is actually quite reliable as a basic design.  A dip in
a range of freqs requires failure of certain circuits, but
they would fail in ways which are inconsistent with this,
like completely.  One manual has massive Yes-No flow charts
for trouble isolation.  This symptom's not even in there!  A
shop can check flat response in minutes, but they like to
charge the full hour in the States, like everywhere else
there's a diagnosis fee these days.

Fred F.

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